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19 Nocturne Boulevard

19 Nocturne Boulevard is an award-winning anthology audio drama series that ran from 2008 through 2013, and then went into deep hibernation.

STILL working on that Comeback!!

Also the creator of Fatal Girl, Bingo the Birthday Clown, The Deadeye Kid, The Lovecraft 5, The Prisoner of Hancock House, The Decadence of Borrowed Silk, Eternal Dusk Roulette, and Atomic Julie's Galactic Bedtime Stories.                                                        Join our awesome Patreon supporters!

May 3, 2014

Social commentary.  Scifi thrives on it.


music from

Apr 23, 2014

The Love of Frank Nineteen by David C. Knight

A touching story of rationaloid romance.

And Julie gets all choked up.

Music from the Footage Firm

Apr 15, 2014

A Martian sings for his supper and the elderly go mad.

Apr 8, 2014

two stories!

Circus by Alan E. Nourse by Rhys Torres-Miller by Highmas

Service with a Smile by Charles L. Fontenay by Julie Hoverson by Circus Marcus

Apr 2, 2014

Sorry, Wrong Dimension by Ross Rocklynne

An average day in the life of a modern 50s housewife, right?  Aliens, monsters and time travelers, check!


Music from Kevin MacLeod of