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19 Nocturne Boulevard

19 Nocturne Boulevard is an award-winning anthology audio drama series that ran from 2008 through 2013, and then went into deep hibernation.

STILL working on that Comeback!!

Also the creator of Fatal Girl, Bingo the Birthday Clown, The Deadeye Kid, The Lovecraft 5, The Prisoner of Hancock House, The Decadence of Borrowed Silk, Eternal Dusk Roulette, and Atomic Julie's Galactic Bedtime Stories.                                                        Join our awesome Patreon supporters!

May 3, 2023

Episode 15 - The Mash

Things move apace.  Penny tries to mash herself into the boom chute, Gina talks mashed potatoes, something else ends up sort of mashed, and Tunis put the mash on Linda....

And a black leather catsuit.

May 2, 2023

Episode 14 - Small Terminations

Legs.  Guns.  More flashbacks.  An end.  A beginning.

May 1, 2023

Episode 13 - Boom Chute

Can Penny get back in the vents?

Can Linda get on Tunis' good side?  Does he have a good side?

Will the Professor set Shaboo's pants on fire?

And what will happen to the new Starrrrrrrettttte?

Apr 30, 2023

Episode 12 - Unstoppable

Linda has left the studio....  and found another one.

Gina finds something she hasn't seen in years, too...

And who knows what's happening to Shaboo?

Apr 29, 2023

Episode 11 - Captivate

Everyone just gets carried away.....